Janna oud Ammerveld is a CHEurope Marie Skłodowska-Curie researcher at the UCL Institute of Archaeology. Her PhD research, titled ‘What does climate change change?’, focuses on the impact of climate change’s presence as a hyperobject on the work of heritage policy makers in England and Sweden. For her PhD she has worked with Historic England and the Swedish National Heritage Board (Riksantikvarieämbetet) to study their work and responses to and in a changing climate, while also questioning our understanding of heritage in the zeitgeist of the Anthropocene.
She obtained both her MA and BA in conservation studies from the University of Antwerp. After 4 years of treating wooden and ethnographic objects from both private and public collections she found her interest in the theoretical realms of heritage and its uses and potential via her master dissertation. This work focused on the application of Manuel DeLanda’s assemblage theory in understanding the controversies around the Dutch celebration of St Nicholas (Sinterklaas).
Useful references:
DeLanda, M. (2006) A New Philosophy of Society. London: Bloomsbury
Morton, T. (2013) Hyperobjects : Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
Contact: j.ammerveld@ucl.ac.uk