Maria Pia Guermandi, classical archaeologist, is working for Istituto Beni Culturali, the advisory body of Regione Emilia Romagna for cultural heritage policies, where she’s project leader of various projects funded by European Commission in the field of cultural heritage.
Her research focuses on preventive and public archaeology, cultural landscape planning and safeguarding. She is scientific consultant for the television network (Rai Storia), in the field of archaeological heritage. Member of Italia Nostra, the oldest association in Italy for cultural heritage promotion and safeguarding for which she coordinates the National Report on Landscape Planning. She is responsible, for IBC, of Antonio Cederna Archive in Rome and member of the scientific board of Parco Archeologico Nazionale dell’Appia Antica. She is also member of the Legislation Committee of the European Association of Archaeologists.
Since 2010, her interest has become more focused on heritagization processes and on cultural tourism as conflicted heritage.